Every organization needs an irresistibly crisp founding story. I started my company in a van down by the river. I named it after my 3rd grade teacher who liked me in spite of my hyperactivity and anemic looks.
That’s not a great story. It’s not true, either.
I’ve been working on my own since 2005 and recently figured out that what really do is help causes, or organizations and interesting people who have one (or two). I am a curious person, pure and simple, and I do great work for things I find interesting.
The name Silverbee came to me over a period of about a year. I admired fireflies, but they have a short season and are more pretty than useful. Bees are amazing critters. They work hard on teams but have their own sense of direction. They build things. They are, as individuals, essential to the survival of the team. And, as we know, bees are essential for helping grow the food we eat and for maintaining the flora and fauna life depends on.
I am also a member of a few “bees” in my non-work life – a knitting bee or circle populated by a group of geniuses who are artists, scientists, chefs, and friends, and a craft bee of engineers, architects, designers, and a bodybuilder. I would not be me without my bees.
Silver? I like it, and it sounds good with “bee”. OrangeBee just doesn’t have the same ring to it. Silver is also a signal for experience and poignance “That silver-haired daddy of mine) and silver has a quality of reflecting back what is really there. I also read somewhere that putting silver objects on your desk or around your workspace will make you feel more positive.
From there I just went for it, with the help of friends and neighbors and family who gave me a lot of advice and pointers. (Thank you, WendyHeidiJonScottCindyCindyChesterBethJackJeanMark!)
We’re off to the hive.
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