Social Media

icons-640402_1280We specialize in creative social media posts that attract attention and point to your content, mainly using Facebook and Twitter. These sites are a gateway to real-time conversations with your audience.

According to Hubspot, 92% of marketers in 2014 claimed that social media marketing was important for their business, with 80% indicating their efforts increased traffic to their websites.

Whereas advertising in traditional media is a one-way street from message to customer, social media engages you and your customers in a conversation. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn will share your story, and keep your customers current on what you have that’s special and different.

Establishing a presence for your business or organization on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter gives you the opportunity to engage followers, reach new target audiences, and be part of the conversation. An effective social media strategy can lead to increased brand recognition and brand loyalty. It offers you free exposure through your own channels. Social media allows you to get out your messages that inform your customers, influence their choices, educate them, and drive traffic to your business.

While setting up an account on Twitter or Facebook is relatively quick and easy, it is important that your social media strategy goes with your overall business strategy and goals. A fun, effective and productive social media takes a little investment in time and creativity.  Silverbee can help you develop this strategy. Our social media experts can set up a social media campaign and create posts and tweets for existing content that will drive traffic to your website.